Monthly Archives: February 2019


The Cain and Abel alternation signifies something more bigger than the actual murder. It put light to a start of increasing alienation between humanity and god. It brought corruption to the earth that affect generations later. Murder is the source of pollution, and generations later after humans have done more and more violent acts, god declares the earth “corrupt” and literally “filled with violence”(6:11-13). Only the “flood “can wipe the earth clean. A domino effect of violence and acts of obedience occurred, and Cain was the one who started it all.

week 2

The hymn of man explains that the universe was created out of the parts of the body of a single cosmic man,when his body was offered in sacrifice. contrary to the creation hymn, where the idea that ”existence came from from non-existence”, it is established in line 2, that there is one ” man” who pervaded the earth on all sides and extended beyond it”, “it is the man who is all this”. It is said that ” all creatures are a quarter of him”,and the other third which is “immortal in heaven”(line 3). Perhaps the other 3 quarters is spread vastly among st the land, in forms of food, where in line 10 the introduction of cows and sheep is illustrated. Or whence in line 6, sacrifice of the man offered through the various seasons.